Turn off Your TV Tee- ($17)
Yes, It's still black. I can't help myself. But I mean MTV is complete bullshit these days (Thank You Heidi, Spencer, and company) so this shirt gains awesomeness points.
Frozen Vapors Tee- ($25)
First off, I'm tired of this model looking like he's in a police booking station. He and all of the other models bother me when I see them. Lighten up dammit. Ok, I'm done with that. Back to the shirt. It's a lot going on when you get up close, but I like the color and the basic design so yea. It's do-able. Still I want LRG to just get a little more creative. Also the name has nothing to do with the shirt. They're not Fall Out Boy, who names their songs things that have nothing to do with anything, but everything to do with nothing. (You like how I went psychological on you??) But yea. End of that rant.
The Voorhees Tee- ($50)
Fifty dollars for Jason Voorhees? For a crazy ass white dude? REALLY? Never. Next.
But Jason is the shit. So he get's a post from me.
(All of the above tees are by LRG)
The Overspray 2 Tee- ($30)
Shirt by Fyasko. Well isn't this very Pharrell Williams/Chad Hugo?. Less is more. point blank. I love this shirt. So whoopee
The Light(Aqua Blue)- ($32)
By Methods NYC. This is what T-shirts should be. Art. Dope prize of the day. It says so much, but says nothing, and inspires everyone to come to so many different conclusions about life. Win. Game. Set. Match.
The Progress Tee- ($40)
Shirt by Bean Dip. Two of my favorite modern politicians. I'd buy this shirt and never wear it. It's very Warhol-pop art inspired. And I love how their faces blend and are superimposed. Again. This is art. (And no, I don't know what that fuckery is on the model's head. I can't rack my brain to care)
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