variety. Personally I feel old in jackets/coats, but whatever. So I found some that don't totally make me look like someone's grandfather. A definite plus.
Gap Wool Short Jacket ($70)
It's wool, so basically it's warm. It's all I care about. Nice design. Moving on.
I'm really making an effort to be excited about coats.
Gap Wool Private Jacket ($118)
Okay, so this is more expensive, but it looks really nice, and it's wool, right? I shouldn't be rationalizing paying more unnecessarily, but cut me some slack. I can't help it if I have an issue with paying a little bit more to look good. But it's clean, classic, and simple. Next
Kenneth Cole Soft Shell Hipster Jacket ($139.98)
I'm beginning to realize all the jackets I like aren't even warm at all, but you know what, I don't care? I've realized I'm still over coats or anything that will keep me warm. I like my track jackets dammit!
Express Cire Puffer Jacket ($106)
It's warm, so I can stop this now. I really could give two flying you know what's about this. So I'm off to a warmer climate. Or I'll have to make my own coats. There's an idea.
Express Nylon Puffer Coat ($106)
Now we're making progress. This is a style I can get with, and I guess it serves that winter weather purpose also. So yeah.
LRG- The Absence of Light Denim Jacket ($99)
I really don't like much of LRG at all. I hate, hate, hate their track jackets/hoodies, and basically everything else they make. They're just pointless uses of ugly bright colors and random shapes/patterns with no shape. If you're going to try and be creative, have a story or cohesive theme please. They're super trend driven, which isn't always good. Anyway, apparently I like their plain jackets. And only a FEW of those lol. My outerwear style needs to classic/clean, but most def needs to be modern. And by clean I mean I don't want 100 dumb zippers, HUGE pockets, and military-style braids on the shoulders ALL one one jacket. I hate that. That's a sign of trend overkill. But this jacket is very urban and on point with the trends without being so ridiculous you'll look dumb wearing it two or three seasons later. My goal especially with jackets and shoes is to potentially wear it for a good time period and still look fly. Females are better at that than guys. We tend to be very in the moment with clothing. (Remember Rocawear,FUBU, Southpole?) I know so many guys, myself included have so many of those clothes lying around in their pile of wasted money because they're not hot. But back to the jacket. The color is dope. It's a nice departure from black.
LRG- The Midnight Show Jacket ($450)
The jacket is fucking amazing in white. I'm sure it's ridiculously annoying to constantly be paranoid about getting something on this, but it's really a great jacket. Simple in design, but it works well with the few black accents. Again another ridiculous price, but this def a nice jacket.
(All LRG jackets found on karmaloop)
Kenneth Cole
Karma Loop
shit. you do LOVE a track jacket!
damn str8.
I don't play when it comes to my jackets
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