Sunday, December 28, 2008

So the B-Listers wanna be A-Listers..

Yes, Christina Milian. I love her. In fact she and Mya are thisclose to becoming my wives so I can get a little bigamy going on here! They are ridiculously sexy (Dip it Low anybody????), but I'm losing my point. Basically Christina can't have a music career to save her life, so I was surprised when I heard her new song "Us Against the World". It's a seriously hot song. Sappy and cliche like a Rihanna song, but artist's need gimmick's these days, so it should work for her. She doesn't have the most amazing voice, but she can actually sing. I don't know how strong this would be on radio, but it definitely deserves some shine. Now she and I can go on and plan our lives together!


Anonymous said...

hm...nah its bland but then again she isin't really a singer

Unknown said...

haha I friggin loveeeeeeee you LOL.
yeah I like her song and it does
seem like she has the hardest time in establishing a music career.