Sunday, August 24, 2008

Random....ahhh It feels good...

Quick thought...

Have you ever wondered why it's so hard for us to open our minds? It's almost as if were conditioned to see only one path. For the enlightened few, it's an amazing feeling to be accepting and open to so much, but to the rest...why is it so necessary to reject and not embrace? It does nothing but alienate.

Anywayz, this is a short blog. Packing is so not happening like I thought it would, very slow. Slowly letting go of my car. I will miss more than life, but hopefully I'll get it back soon. Um no more work for me. I miss my clan of fools and I have no one to be dumb with. Whatever, I should go out and get a life anyway. OH! And it's definitely a problem when you can identify random ppl's clothing as coming from your store haha. Clearly I worked too many hours! But on a more serious note....I'm addicted to Starbucks (still) and it's burning a bad ass hole in my pocket. The fact that I wake up and literally crave a Double Chocolate Chip Frapp is a sickness! Helppppp....Oh

Saturday, August 23, 2008

So...I slack...sue me!

Yeah, I'm not a avid typer, unless it's for a paper (and even then I try my best to do nothing lol) But I guess I should kind of update you on my life. Um, school is close!! I think I'm just anxious to leave my house and my family and the negativity that I'm always facing, but other than that I don't really care. Most of my core friends are all spreading out, and truth be told I'm lost as fuck without them lol. So I guess I'll have a lot of alone time, which is good I guess. Ugh I guess I can study or some sht. But I'll drown my boredom in a good party. Speaking of which T-Pain is playing my homecoming...he sucks on his own, so he needs to bring ppl lol. Anyway hopefully sophomore year will be as dope as freshman year. And yet I need to pack. Better yet what I NEED is a new camera...a good one. lol Aggh So much I little time...The rollercoaster ride begins again..dammit

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I want to work for's shamelessly self promotion of Diddy and how amazing and awe inspiring he is as a boss. Dumb as hell but it works in a sick,twisted way and I can't stop watching. I'm rooting for kim...because she makes the show with her ignorance. Really I like anyone but Boris...he's a waste of time I'll never get back.