Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Y-3 Spring/Summer 09 Collection

Yohji Yamamoto, the creator of the Y-3 line, an extension of the Adidas company bothers me. At the same time I'm in awe of the guy. He is a genius at creating urban acessories and clothing that are appealing to most people, (guys especially) but the high fashion in him makes these prices so completely unrealistic for the masses, like myself. So that's more of a personal gripe, but come on man! It's a recession, throw me a bone, slash some prices!

But about the accessories. The Spring/Summer 09 Collection is actually very good. Although I'm not a bag/accessory type of person, when I find a tight bag, the earth should shake. Because it's a rarity. I mean like finding a four-leaf clover rare. Thanks to Hypebeast, I can give you a sneak preview of the collection and for those of you who can spend Y-3 cash, more power to you. Just make sure to send me some stuff. Beggars can't be choosers, so I'll take whatever!

Those are the three pieces that I was the most interested in.
Check the rest of the preview here at Hypebeast

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